Flexible restorations with Hi quality without any metal clasps

   Offer prices start at 225 us$

valplast chapa panama city, panama






















phone no. in Panama's clinic00 ( 507 ) 224-2026 / 00 ( 507 )  6234-8549 / 6531-9014  ( YES WE  SPEAK ENGLISH )



For an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan

If, you would like to find out what Clinica Express Dental Care can do for you and what will be approximately the cost of your treatment, we require the following information:

Panoramic X-ray: (mandatory for implants surgery)

This is an X-ray that will show all the structures we need to see. You can get it at most dental offices. It can be digital or film.

Periapical Full Set of X-rays:
This is a regular x-ray that you can get at most dental offices. They can be digital or film.

Digital Pictures:
We require four different views: full face smile, full smile close up, upper arch and lower arch.

Please look at the following examples of the views:

If you are going to take them at home, use the macro mode, it is a mode usually specified in the digital cameras with a flower symbol.

How to send the information required:

Digital Panoramic X-ray, Periapical Full Set of X-rays and Pictures:
Send the information to: panamaclinicadental@yahoo.com

Film Panoramic X-rays, Periapical Full Set of X-rays and Pictures:
Send the information to:

Centro de Salud y Estetica Dental

P.O Box: 0834 - 02743
Panama city
Republic of Panama

If you have Film X-rays and you want to scan them, please follow these simple instructions:

1. Scan the X-rays with the top of the scanner open and lots of light in the room.
2. Save it to your computer.
3. E-mail the scanned X-rays


1. after extraction


2. After placing Implant


3. Final stage, placing Abutment and Crown


Real Case for crown over Implant restorations.

By- Clinic Express, Panama.


ANTES ( BEFORE )                   DESPUES ( AFTER )     





You may rest assured that our staff have the highest standards of sanitation and hygiene. 

We have never had infection from any work that we performed.

We use pure bottled water, sterile gloves, mask, and sterile instruments, and disposable needles at all times.

Just like USA & Canada OSHA's regulations, We are proud of the sanitation certificate displayed on the wall in the waiting room.   

Also, we practice pain free dentistry. If you feel discomfort at any time, we will stop and remedy the situation. You will be pleased when you visit our office.  

 Advantages of Dental Work in Panama

In addition to doing every type of work on your teeth and pain free dentistry, we offer the best value. We know the cost of dental treatments in the states is very high. 

Because of lower overhead, in Mexico, we can offer the same services for a lot less. 

Root canals generally run $155  for Anterior teeth


The quality of work is equal to anywhere in the world and we guarantee our work.  



Joan Montenegro / clinic express, Panama.


Real Patient, Real story.

A trip to the dentist takes on new meaning these days.

Last year over a quarter of a million Americans packed their suitcases and their toothbrushes and traveled to foreign countries for dental work.

Your average tourist might not equate a vacation with serious dental work, but my friend Joan managed to reconcile the oxymoronic concept AND save a few bucks.

Joan’s dental adventure began when a hearty sneeze dislodged a bridge out of her mouth—never to be seen again.

After consulting with her dentist, she decided she didn’t want to have another bridge put in, opting for implants instead. She also needed a crown replacement on a molar tooth.


She was stunned to learn that her estimated total cost would be between $7,500 and $9,000.

Joan’s dental policy didn’t cover the work she wanted, so she began investigating alternatives.

By contacting


the cost savings were amazing. Estimates for the work needed ranged from between

$2,700   to   $2,900.

She used frequent flyer miles for the flight, and the clinic recommended a lovely hotel ONLY 15 MINUTES away in the heart of Panama City, for only  $45.00 / night.

Joan spent a week in Panama City, and managed to squeeze in a trip to the rain forest, a coffee plantation tour, a little shopping,

some pool lounging, checking colon city area, seeing the Indians reservations, visiting Panama canal museums, and some great,

inexpensive dinners, in between her trips back and forth to the clinic for her dental work.

Dental Tourism is a growing travel trend that promises low cost, high quality dental work to cost-conscious and / or uninsured consumers.

It’s part of a larger trend called Medical Tourism. 800,000 Americans traveled overseas for health care in 2008.

Interestingly, dental bridges and bonding ranked #1 and #2 on a list of most sought-after procedures for Americans traveling abroad for medical care.




Se realizan en una sesi? y directamente en clinica no precisando fase de laboratorio dental. Con ellas podemos modificare color y forma del diente. Se pueden realizar sin tallar el diente por lo que es una t?nica muy conservadora.

Carillas de Porcelana

Son estructuras que se realizan en el laboratorio dental y recubren el frente del diente, con ellas podemos modificar el color y la forma del diente. Al igual que las coronas de porcelana precisan de un tallado del diente perdiendose unas decimas de tejido dental.....



Precio sujeto a cambio sin previo aviso / Envíe un mensaje a web-designer con preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio Web Última modificación: 15 / 04 / 2017 / Copyright © 2017  Panama Clinica Express -Reservados Todos los derechos .

copyright panamaclinicexpress.com - Términos Legales. Todos los precios del portal estan sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso. Esta empresa no se responsabiliza por diferencias entre las imagenes y los productos reales, ni la descripcion, la configuracion y el contenido real del articulo ya que todos las descripciones son copiadas y pegadas de catálogos de sus fabricantes, además se entiende que el cliente debe averiguar y asesorarse correctamente antes de hacer la compra. Nuestros precios no incluyen IVA y son de condicion contado. El cliente acepta los terminos y condiciones al momento de confirmar su operación. PRICE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH OUT PRIOR NOTICE, WE WELCOME ONLINE CONSULTATIONS AND THEY ARE FREE FOR FINAL PRICE REQUEST, WE ANSWER IN YOUR PREFERRED LANGUAGE, SPANISH - ENGLISH, ALSO OUR JOBS COME WITH A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTIONS.

Por supuesto, el precio de los tratamientos de odontología es un aspecto a tener muy en cuenta en nuestra decisión. Sin embargo, no perdamos el mundo de vista. Existen clínicas dentales más económicas que otras. Pero debemos poner el precio de nuestra clínica dental en relación con la calidad de los servicios que ofrece. No existen las gangas ni los milagros cuando se trata nuestra boca

Nuestras clínicas dentales cuentan con todas las tecnologías de la odontología moderna y dentistas especialistas que están al día de las técnicas más avanzadas necesarias para diseñar la sonrisa y ofrecer las mejores soluciones odontológicas disponibles en la actualidad.

Si invertimos, pues, un mínimo de tiempo en analizar separadamente todos estos aspectos, se reducirá notablemente el espectro de clínicas que puedan interesarnos.

Envíe un mensaje a  web-designer  con preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio Web
El odontólogo aconseja asesorarse bien antes de recurrir a cualquier sitio, es importante acudir a una institución donde se ofrezcan garantías sobre el procedimiento realizado