map of panama latin america

Panama city, Republic of Panama 


Dental Care For the Entire Family

First Time Denture
Orthodontic Saving
First Time Denture




Monday to Firday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday:  9 a.m to 4 p.m.



Ortho Emergency

Mandible Pain

Gallery,  Foto





Learn About Implant

Flexible restorations with Hi quality without any metal clasps

   Offer prices start at 225 us$


Traveling for Affordable Dental Care

One of the big drivers in the development of medical tourism as an industry is dental care. With 120 million people without dental insurance in the U.S., more and more people have turned overseas to obtain access they cannot find at home.  As a result of this trend, Medical Tourism Solutions has chosen to highlight our network of dentists and emphasize these procedures as a core pillar of our company


Decameron Resort in Costa Blanca Panama  



Places in Panama


Full-Service FamilyDentistry:


  • Partials
  • Root Canals
  • Oral Surgery
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Routine Cleaning
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Implants
  • Fillings
  • Dentures


Why space maintaners are very important to our kids

Offers for porcelain made great looking orthodontic treatment priced at price you won't believe it while many of our patients live outside Panama and still decided to install it and then to continue the treatment back home after saving thousands of dollars , we let them keep the both charts and x rays, also the study models...



Estudio de la Sonrisa

Vea en cámara cómo le quedará un tratamiento propuesto antes de realizarlo


Carillas (frentes estéticos)

Implantes Dentales


Niveles de Encía

Reemplazo de Metales por Mat. Estéticos

Migrañas, Jaquecas, Mialgias. Tratamiento













phone no. in Panama's clinic   00 ( 507 ) 224 - 2026 / 00 ( 507 )  6531 - 9014 

Our dental work comes with a 3 years guarantee.


Our biggest strength lies not in what you see, but in how you are treated.


*General Dentistry:

These are the services a patient would expect to see in an average dental office

(fillings, crowns, cleanings, emergency dentistry).

We excel in this area.

*Functional Dentistry:

When we perform functional dentistry, we are improving a patient's bite, improving the way the muscles and joints work together and providing proper aesthetics through the bite relationship.

A more functional bite can improve your appearance, remove wrinkles and make you look 10 years younger.


Extraer Dientes de Leche

Antes de tiempo causa Apiñamiento Dental

Muchos padres de familia deben saber que extraer un diente de leche antes de tiempo, principalmente las molares de leche, puede causar apiñamiento dental en los futuros dientes permanentes (dientes adultos).

La razón es que cuando se extrae el diente de leche antes de tiempo, el espacio dejado se va acortando, el diente permanente que quiera salir no tendrá el espacio suficiente para que encaje en el lugar que se extrajo.


Al forzar su salida, irá apretando los dientes anteriores (caninos e incisivos) y producirá el apiñamiento clásico en estas situaciones.

Los más afectados son los caninos, estos quedan montados por ser los últimos en erupcionar (entre 10 a 12 años).

Para evitar esta situación, es necesario hacer uso de los mantenedores de espacio y los controles radiográficos, ello va permitir cuidar los espacios requeridos para el buen posicionamiento de los dientes de adulto y tomar medidas a tiempo.

Caries de Biberón
La causa principal de la extracción del diente de leche es la caries dental infantil (Caries de Biberón). Este tipo de caries es muy agresiva, destructiva y va causando daños desde el primer año de vida, ataca a más del 50% de la población infantil.

Su detección tardía trae todas las consecuencias antes nombradas; Caries dental, extracción prematura de dientes de leche, pérdida de espacio y Apiñamiento Dental.

con tu ortodoncia Rx tenemos ( Free Prophylaxis and fluroide treatment )


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  74 east street and Via Espana 

Panama city, Panama

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Dear New Patient

We appreciate your interest in our dental practice.

We want to know if you and our practice are a "good fit" for each other. We are changing the way Patients see the dentist, one patient at a time.

You have probably noticed we are different from the average dental practice. When you visit our office you will find a comfortable and relaxing environment.

Our staff is friendly and attentive. All of our treatment is designed to be painless, permanent and to exceed all of your expectations.

We use the most recent technology and techniques our industry has to offer.



Un known paradise in Panama

Enjoy great vacation at the Virgin Caribbean Islands of San Blas A Caribbean Paradise 


    see more fotos...

Many tourists from USA, Asia, Europe,...etc, enjoy a great vacation for free by saving money on dental treatments that cost a fraction of what they pay in their home countries.

People often say that medical treatment is superior in places like US, and U.K, but, no longer...

The myth that American medical care is somehow superior to everywhere else has been shattered.

In reality, the only thing superior about American medical care is the high cost.



Why should you consider traveling to Panama to obtain dental work? Money, time and quality of workmanship are all part of the answer to that question.


Everyone wants to get the best value for their money and that is what they find here at Clinic Express.


Our patients receive the ultimate in work and quality for their money at Clinic Express.


Many of our patients find the cost for a trip that combines dental work and a vacation to beautiful PLACES IN Panama is less than what they would have paid for the dental work alone elsewhere.   

Whether you are moving to Panama from somewhere else, or you are planning a fun vacation to enjoy Panama, you can always have your dental work done with the great saving offered in Panama

Panama clinic express combines long years of experience, and a gentle touch to provide our patients with the highest level of cosmetic and restorative dental care.

We take the fear and anxiety out of dentistry to give you a comfortable and pleasant dental experience


Our dental work comes with a 3 years guarantee.


Our biggest strength lies not in what you see, but in how you are treated.


*General Dentistry:

These are the services a patient would expect to see in an average dental office

(fillings, crowns, cleanings, emergency dentistry).

We excel in this area.

*Functional Dentistry:

When we perform functional dentistry, we are improving a patient's bite, improving the way the muscles and joints work together and providing proper aesthetics through the bite relationship.

A more functional bite can improve your appearance, remove wrinkles and make you look 10 years younger.


Clinic Express welcomes patients who need affordable dental implants, crowns, full mouth reconstruction and other dental and cosmetic services from around the world and every U.S. state: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Island, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming..


Precio sujeto a cambio sin previo aviso / Envíe un mensaje a web-designer con preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio Web Última modificación: 15 / 04 / 2017 / Copyright © 2017  Panama Clinica Express -Reservados Todos los derechos .

copyright - Térmilos precios del portal estan sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso. Esta empresa no se responsabiliza por diferencias entre las imagenes y los productos reales, ni la descripcion, la configuracion y el contenido real del articulo ya que todos las descripciones son copiadas y pegadas de catálogos de sus fabricantes, además se entiende que el cliente debe averiguar y asesorarse correctamente antes de hacer la compra. Nuestros precios no incluyen IVA y son de condicion contado. El cliente acepta los terminos y condiciones al momento de confirmar su operación. PRICE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH OUT PRIOR NOTICE, WE WELCOME ONLINE CONSULTATIONS AND THEY ARE FREE FOR FINAL PRICE REQUEST, WE ANSWER IN YOUR PREFERRED LANGUAGE, SPANISH - ENGLISH, ALSO OUR JOBS COME WITH A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTIONS.

Por supuesto, el precio de los tratamientos de odontología es un aspecto a tener muy en cuenta en nuestra decisión. Sin embargo, no perdamos el mundo de vista. Existen clínicas dentales más económicas que otras. Pero debemos poner el precio de nuestra clínica dental en relación con la calidad de los servicios que ofrece. No existen las gangas ni los milagros cuando se trata nuestra boca

american dental association in panamaEnvíe un mensaje a  web-designer  con preguntas o comentarios sobre este sitio Web